Puteti cumpara produsele de pe site-ul ASICSTORE.ro folosind urmatoarele instrumente de plata:
Ramburs (cash) la livrarea coletului
Contravaloarea produselor si a serviciilor comandate pot fi achitate curierului chiar la livrarea acestora la adresa specificata de dumneavoastra.
Transfer bancar
Plata se poate face si prin virament bancar pe baza facturii proforme, livrarea produselor urmand a se face dupa intrarea sumei (contravaloarea totala a facturii) in contul nostru.
Datele necesare pentru efectuarea platii prin transfer bancar sunt:
Prin Card bancar
Pentru platile cu carduri de credit/debit emise sub sigla Visa si MasterCard (Visa/Visa Electron si Mastercard/Maestro) este folosit sistemul 3D Secure elaborat de serviciul ePayment. Acest sistem asigura tranzactiilor online acelasi nivel de securitate ca si cele realizate la bancomat sau in mediul fizic, la comerciant. 3D Secure asigura in primul rand ca nici o informatie legata de cardul tau nu este transferata sau stocata, la nici un moment de timp, pe serverele ElectroFun sau pe serverele ePayment, aceste date fiind direct introduse in sistemele Visa si MasterCard. In plus, 3D Secure este un sistem de autentificare a identitatii posesorilor de carduri in mediu electronic. Procesul de autentificare a posesorului cardului se face pe baza codului de securitate cunoscut numai de posesor si se desfasoara numai pe serverele Visa sau MasterCard, dupa caz. Sistemul 3D Secure permite efectuarea de cumparaturi on-line cu orice card emis sub licenta Visa sau MasterCard, inclusiv cele de debit si cele electronice Maestro si Visa Electron. Sunt acceptate si cardurile virtuale emise de aceste organizatii.
You can buy the products on the ASICSTORE.ro website using the following payment instruments: Refund (cash) upon delivery of the package The value of the ordered products and services can be paid to the courier upon their delivery to the address specified by you. Bank transfer Payment can also be made by bank transfer on the basis of the proforma invoice, the delivery of the products to be made after the entry of the amount (the total value of the invoice) into our account. The data required to make the payment by bank transfer are:
BLOCKCHAIN ​​MINING HOST SRL J19/598/2019 41385079 Mesteacanului Street no. FN Toplita, Harghita Phone: +40755581546 By bank card For payments with credit/debit cards issued under the Visa and MasterCard logo (Visa/Visa Electron and Mastercard/Maestro), the 3D Secure system developed by the ePayment service is used. This system ensures online transactions the same level of security as those made at the ATM or in the physical environment, at the merchant. 3D Secure ensures first of all that no information related to your card is transferred or stored, at any time, on the ElectroFun servers or on the ePayment servers, these data being directly entered into the Visa and MasterCard systems. In addition, 3D Secure is a system for authenticating the identity of cardholders in an electronic environment. The authentication process of the card holder is based on the security code known only to the holder and takes place only on the Visa or MasterCard servers, as the case may be. The 3D Secure system allows you to make online purchases with any card issued under the Visa or MasterCard license, including debit and electronic Maestro and Visa Electron cards. Virtual cards issued by these organizations are also accepted.